
Showing posts from May, 2018


SimpleSchool QUIZ WHIZ- An editable and interactive quiz platform for both individual and group assessment with 1000+ Questions Bank and Timer. Good for mental drills, reviews, set induction, evaluation of concepts, group quiz competition and more… It can be used on PC and on Interactive White Board. It Contains 3 sections: 1. Instruction Page The Instruction/Home page is what you see when you load the application. It contains information and instruction on how to use the App. 2. Questions Bank This is a database where questions are stored. You can store up to 1000 questions under 10 categories (100 questions per category). You can make each category store questions on different subjects. To Upload or Type Questions in the Questions Bank Double-Click and type in the Category/Subject. Double-Click and type the questions in the questions box one after the other under your chosen